True Norwegian Black Metal: We Turn in the Night Consumed by Fire / Najlacnejšie knihy
True Norwegian Black Metal: We Turn in the Night Consumed by Fire

Kód: 02406766

True Norwegian Black Metal: We Turn in the Night Consumed by Fire

Autor Peter Beste, Johan Kugelberg

In the last two decades, a bizarre and violent musical subculture called "Black Metal" has emerged in Norway. Its roots stem from a heady blend of horror movies, heavy metal music, Satanism, Paganism, and adolescent angst. In the ... celý popis


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Viac informácií o knihe True Norwegian Black Metal: We Turn in the Night Consumed by Fire

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In the last two decades, a bizarre and violent musical subculture called "Black Metal" has emerged in Norway. Its roots stem from a heady blend of horror movies, heavy metal music, Satanism, Paganism, and adolescent angst.

In the early-mid 1990s, members of this extremist underground committed murder, burned down medieval wooden churches, and desecrated graveyards.

What started as juvenile frenzy came to symbolize the start of a war against Christianity, a return to the worship of the ancient Norse gods, and the complete rejection of mainstream society.

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