Consorting with Spirits / Najlacnejšie knihy
Consorting with Spirits

Kód: 37134768

Consorting with Spirits

Autor Jason Miller, Mat Auryn

“Working with spirits can be some of the most dangerous yet some of the most gratifying work a magickal practitioner can engage in. With Jason as your guide in this book, you are in some of the best hands out there when it comes t ... celý popis


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Viac informácií o knihe Consorting with Spirits

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Anotácia knihy

“Working with spirits can be some of the most dangerous yet some of the most gratifying work a magickal practitioner can engage in. With Jason as your guide in this book, you are in some of the best hands out there when it comes to approaching and working with spirits. This is a book I wish I had fifteen years ago when I began working closely with spirits.” Mat Auryn, author of Psychic Witch
Throughout history, humans have sought power and knowledge from spirits. Learning how to conjure, communicate, and negotiate with these unseen powers is one of the keys to success in magic.

Consorting with Spirits presents a detailed explanation of what spirits are, their different classifications, and how they exist in relation to the world we normally perceive. The reader will then learn a system of practices that will cultivate three main skills: The capacity to perceive spirits clearly, the ability to interact with them effectively, and the tools to deepen your relationships. It is this focus on deepening relationships and increasing clarity in communications that has been missing from much of the material about spirits.  
This book will teach you different ways of interacting with spirits, from offerings and invitations to forceful conjurations. With these tools in hand, you can work with your spirit allies to achieve any goal, from protection, to wealth, to vast knowledge.
Consorting with Spirits shares:
Proper training necessary for calling and conversing with spirits.
How to evaluate the messages you receive.
A full view of different modes of contact and what situations each mode lends itself to
Why the best sorcery is local.
The tools to establish and maintain a long-term relationship with spirits (consorting).
The 6 different manifestations of spirits and their corresponding magickal operations, qualities, benefits, and drawbacks.
The 4 methods of interacting with spirits: prayer, conjuring, compelling, and evocation.

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Zaradenie knihy Knihy po nemecky Ratgeber Spiritualität Altes Wissen, Alte Kulturen


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