Grandma's Scrapbook / Najlacnejšie knihy
Grandma's Scrapbook

Kód: 06417634

Grandma's Scrapbook

Autor Josephine Nobisso

A scrapbook of memorabilia chronicles the tender and sometimes zany moments shared between Grandma and her granddaughter during their seaside summers. Pages of the lively scrapbook are interspersed with watercolor-rendered photogr ... celý popis


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Anotácia knihy

A scrapbook of memorabilia chronicles the tender and sometimes zany moments shared between Grandma and her granddaughter during their seaside summers. Pages of the lively scrapbook are interspersed with watercolor-rendered photographs of the girl, now a teenager, as she reminisces about their relationship. The last summer in the scrapbook reveals how their roles have changed. Now the girl guides Grandma's wheelchair to places Grandma once brought her on the back of her bike or in a stroller. This poignant story uplifts and dignifies the experience of aging and loss, tingeing it not with sadness, but with hope and wonder.

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Zaradenie knihy Knihy po anglicky Children's, Teenage & educational Picture books, activity books & early learning material Picture books


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