Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible / Najlacnejšie knihy
Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible

Kód: 16434377

Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible

Autor Hitomi Shida, Gayle Roehm

Shida's strikingly original designs and variations on every imaginable classic stitch result in intricate patterns that form the basis for beautiful and unique knitted fashions. This is the perfect book for the experienced knitter ... celý popis


Bežne: 22.62 €

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Viac informácií o knihe Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible

Nákupom získate 41 bodov

Anotácia knihy

Shida's strikingly original designs and variations on every imaginable classic stitch result in intricate patterns that form the basis for beautiful and unique knitted fashions. This is the perfect book for the experienced knitter who is looking for new stitches that yield spectacular results!

This Japanese knitting book features a wide range of rewarding and intricate stitches including:

A set of detailed, step-by-step diagrams show you how to execute all the basic stitches. Instructions and diagrams for a series of small projects offer practice working with large patterns, lacy patterns, pattern arrangement and round yokes among other things. The knitting projects include:

This Japanese stitch dictionary represents a whole new adventure for knitters and is sure to become a valued reference for experienced knitters.

Parametre knihy

Zaradenie knihy Knihy po anglicky Lifestyle, sport & leisure Handicrafts, decorative arts & crafts Needlework & fabric crafts


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