Stretching for Stiffies: A Full Body Pilates Reformer Stretching Routine for Every Body / Najlacnejšie knihy
Stretching for Stiffies: A Full Body Pilates Reformer Stretching Routine for Every Body

Kód: 16872384

Stretching for Stiffies: A Full Body Pilates Reformer Stretching Routine for Every Body

Autor Anthony Lett

This Pilates reformer stretching book/class is for anyone (not just men ) who are stiff in all the wrong places There is one stretch for each of the major muscles groups of the body. Each stretch has been deliberately selected fo ... celý popis


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This Pilates reformer stretching book/class is for anyone (not just men ) who are stiff in all the wrong places There is one stretch for each of the major muscles groups of the body. Each stretch has been deliberately selected for "any body" who can't tou

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