Talk To Me In Korean - Level 2 / Najlacnejšie knihy
Talk To Me In Korean - Level 2

Kód: 13505183

Talk To Me In Korean - Level 2

Autor Talk to Me in Korean

Learn Korean more effectively with our core grammar lessons! From saying the basic greetings, to counting numbers, and to having simple yet natural conversations in Korean, you can learn the basics of the Korean language with th ... celý popis


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Anotácia knihy

Learn Korean more effectively with our core grammar lessons!

From saying the basic greetings, to counting numbers, and to having simple yet natural conversations in Korean, you can learn the basics of the Korean language with this textbook.

We made this book to help you learn Korean on your own, even if you don't go to a Korean language school to take a course. TTMIK Books are based on the lessons available on our website and in the podcast but improved and edited to fit the book format, so that you can learn Korean on your own. The book comes with mp3 audio files including the recordings of all of the major vocabulary words, expressions, sample sentences and dialogues used in the book.After learning each grammar point, you will also see a sample dialogue based on what you've learned in the certain unit. You will also see some exercise questions so that you can check and reinforce what you've learned.

Learn Korean more effectively with our core grammar lessons! From saying the basic greetings, to counting numbers, and to having simple yet natural conversations in Korean, you can learn the basics of the Korean language with this textbook.

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Zaradenie knihy Knihy po anglicky Language Language teaching & learning (other than ELT) Language teaching & learning material & coursework


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