A Touch of Ruin / Najlacnejšie knihy
A Touch of Ruin

Kód: 37304522

A Touch of Ruin

Autor Scarlett St. Clair

The second in the captivating Hades and Persephone series from fan-favorite bestselling author Scarlett St. Clair. "Are you saying you wouldn't fight for me?" Hades sighed and brushed his finger along her cheek. "Darling, I woul ... celý popis


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The second in the captivating Hades and Persephone series from fan-favorite bestselling author Scarlett St. Clair.

"Are you saying you wouldn't fight for me?" Hades sighed and brushed his finger along her cheek. "Darling, I would burn this world for you." Persephone's relationship with Hades has gone public and the resulting media storm disrupts her normal life and threatens to expose her as the Goddess of Spring. To add to her troubles, everyone seems eager to warn Persephone away from the God of the Dead by exposing his hellish past. Things only get worse when a horrible tragedy leaves Persephone's heart in ruin and Hades refusing to help. Desperate, she takes matters into her own hands, striking bargains that lead to severe consequences.

Faced with a side of Hades she never knew, and crushing loss, Persephone wonders if she can truly become Hades's queen.

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