Warriors: The New Prophecy Box Set / Najlacnejšie knihy
Warriors: The New Prophecy Box Set

Kód: 05073367

Warriors: The New Prophecy Box Set

Autor Erin Hunter

Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series continues in Warriors: The New Prophecy! This box set includes all six books in the second Warriors series, and is perfect for the collections of longtime Erin Hunter fans ... celý popis


Bežne: 43.47 €

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Anotácia knihy

Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series continues in Warriors: The New Prophecy!

This box set includes all six books in the second Warriors series, and is perfect for the collections of longtime Erin Hunter fans and readers new to the Warriors world.

The wild cat Clans have lived in peace and harmony for many moons, but now strange messages from their warrior ancestors speak of a terrifying new prophecy and a mysterious danger. Six cats, including young Brambleclaw of ThunderClan, must embark on an unprecedented journey, with the fate of the entire forest in their paws.

The strength and courage of the greatest warriors will be put to the test as the prophecy unfolds - and the quest to save the Clans begins.

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Zaradenie knihy Knihy po anglicky Children's, Teenage & educational Children's / Teenage fiction & true stories Science fiction (Children's / Teenage)


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