Pokemon Adventures: HeartGold and SoulSilver, Vol. 1 / Najlacnejšie knihy
Pokemon Adventures: HeartGold and SoulSilver, Vol. 1

Kod: 01342900

Pokemon Adventures: HeartGold and SoulSilver, Vol. 1

Autor Hidenori Kusaka

All your favourite Pokemon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga! Pokemon Trainers Gold and Silver are back! Crystal too! And so is Team Rocket...In this two-volume thriller, troublemake ... więcej


Zwykle: 13.79 €

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All your favourite Pokemon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga! Pokemon Trainers Gold and Silver are back! Crystal too! And so is Team Rocket...In this two-volume thriller, troublemaker Gold and feisty Silver must team up again to find their old enemy Lance and the Legendary Pokemon Arceus. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is on the rampage digging up, stealing and collecting 16 mysterious plates for some nefarious purpose known only to them...What is the hidden power of the 16 plates, and what do they symbolize...?

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Kategoria Książki po angielsku Fiction & related items Graphic novels Graphic novels: Manga


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