Apothecary Diaries 1 / Najlacnejšie knihy
Apothecary Diaries 1

Kod: 25383804

Apothecary Diaries 1

Autor Itsuki Nanao, Nekokurage

After breaking a "curse" on the imperial heirs, a palace servant with training in herbal medicine is promoted up the ranks to food taster...and right into the thick of palace intrigue in this lushly illustrated period mystery seri ... więcej


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Więcej informacji o Apothecary Diaries 1

Za ten zakup dostaniesz 37 punkty


After breaking a "curse" on the imperial heirs, a palace servant with training in herbal medicine is promoted up the ranks to food taster...and right into the thick of palace intrigue in this lushly illustrated period mystery series Maomao, a y

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Kategoria Książki po angielsku Fiction & related items Graphic novels Graphic novels: Manga


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