Vagabond (VIZBIG Edition), Vol. 10 / Najlacnejšie knihy
Vagabond (VIZBIG Edition), Vol. 10

Kod: 08017879

Vagabond (VIZBIG Edition), Vol. 10

Autor Takehiko Inoue

Musashi is at the greatest crossroads of his life. After surviving his single-handed battle against the seventy men of Yoshioka Clan, Musashi is left with an injury that may lead to the end of his sword-fighting days. Could this ... więcej


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Musashi is at the greatest crossroads of his life. After surviving his single-handed battle against the seventy men of Yoshioka Clan, Musashi is left with an injury that may lead to the end of his sword-fighting days.

Could this mean he will escape from the spiral of death and killing that has been at the very center of his being for so long, or will the way of the sword be too tempting for him to walk away from?

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Kategoria Książki po angielsku Fiction & related items Graphic novels Graphic novels: Manga


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