Vagabond (VIZBIG Edition), Vol. 12 / Najlacnejšie knihy
Vagabond (VIZBIG Edition), Vol. 12

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Vagabond (VIZBIG Edition), Vol. 12

Autor Takehiko Inoue

Three volumes in one. A prestige treatment of Inoue's epic samurai series with bonus content, color pages, storyboard samples and more Real-life figure Miyamoto Musashi was the most celebrated samurai of all time. The quintessent ... więcej


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Three volumes in one. A prestige treatment of Inoue's epic samurai series with bonus content, color pages, storyboard samples and more Real-life figure Miyamoto Musashi was the most celebrated samurai of all time.

The quintessential warrior-philosopher, Musashi authored A Book of Five Rings , a classic treatise in the canon of world philosophy and military strategy. But the path to enlightenment is an endless journey, and to get there through violent means - by way of the sword - makes mere survival an even greater challenge. Miyamoto Musashi and Sasaki Kojiro's intertwining paths lead them toward what will be the greatest samurai duel in Japanese history.

Sasaki Kojiro heads to Kokura for his new position as sword instructor for the powerful Hosokawa Clan. Meanwhile, Musashi is at a crossroads dealing with the aftermath of single-handedly destroying the mighty Yoshioka clan.

After he starts to question his quest to be invincible and his whole reason for existence, will his confidence in himself ever be the same?

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Kategoria Książki po angielsku Fiction & related items Graphic novels Graphic novels: Manga


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