Vagabond (VIZBIG Edition), Vol. 8 / Najlacnejšie knihy
Vagabond (VIZBIG Edition), Vol. 8

Kod: 05193315

Vagabond (VIZBIG Edition), Vol. 8

Autor Takehiko Inoue

Musashi has returned to Kyoto one year after he last attempted to take on the mighty Yoshioka School, and the entire city is abuzz anticipating the rematch to come. When the elder disciples of the Yoshioka discover the unbelieva ... więcej


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Więcej informacji o Vagabond (VIZBIG Edition), Vol. 8

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Musashi has returned to Kyoto one year after he last attempted to take on the mighty Yoshioka School, and the entire city is abuzz anticipating the rematch to come.

When the elder disciples of the Yoshioka discover the unbelievable progress Musashi has made along the way of the sword, they plot to defeat him however they can - even if it means resorting to dishonorable means.

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Kategoria Książki po angielsku Fiction & related items Graphic novels Graphic novels: Manga


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