Normal People / Najlacnejšie knihy
Normal People

Kod: 20282061

Normal People

Autor Sally Rooney

This is an exquisite love story about how a person can change another person's life - a simple yet profound realisation that unfolds beautifully over the course of the novel. It tells us how difficult it is to talk about how we fe ... więcej


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This is an exquisite love story about how a person can change another person's life - a simple yet profound realisation that unfolds beautifully over the course of the novel. It tells us how difficult it is to talk about how we feel.

Alternating menace with overwhelming tenderness, Sally Rooney's second novel breathes fiction with new life.

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Kategoria Knihy v češtině Učebnice a odborná literatura Cizí jazyky Angličtina


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