Hellsing Deluxe Volume 2 / Najlacnejšie knihy
Hellsing Deluxe Volume 2

Kod: 32265707

Hellsing Deluxe Volume 2

Autor Kohta Hirano, Kohta Hirano, Duane Johnson

The international manga bestseller returns in deluxe hardcover editions, collecting Kohta Hirano's horror epic for the first time in its original 7x10 serialized format. Featuring wall-to-wall action and mayhem, Hellsing is one-st ... więcej


Zwykle: 51.80 €

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Więcej informacji o Hellsing Deluxe Volume 2

Za ten zakup dostaniesz 105 punkty


The international manga bestseller returns in deluxe hardcover editions, collecting Kohta Hirano's horror epic for the first time in its original 7x10 serialized format. Featuring wall-to-wall action and mayhem, Hellsing is one-stop shopping for supersized supernatural pyschosis!

The Hellsing Organization is under siege by the undead Nazi army of the Millennium Project, who are turning the streets of London into rivers of blood and the citizenry into a legion of abominations. And with this murderous conflict at a fever pitch, the Vatican sees an opportunity to take down both Millennium and Hellsing in one swift stroke!

Collects Hellsing chapters 28-62 from Hellsing volumes 5-8.

Szczegóły książki

Kategoria Książki po angielsku Fiction & related items Graphic novels Graphic novels: Manga


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