La Peinture Creative Pas A Pas / Najlacnejšie knihy
La Peinture Creative Pas A Pas

Kód: 05035641

La Peinture Creative Pas A Pas

Autor Brigitte le Dilly

For Brigitte Le Dilly, what is most important in art is freedom. Freedom to choose model, technique and materials. "We paint as we like," she said. She allows herself the freedom to change her work according to her moods. This fou ... celý popis


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Viac informácií o knihe La Peinture Creative Pas A Pas

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Anotácia knihy

For Brigitte Le Dilly, what is most important in art is freedom. Freedom to choose model, technique and materials. "We paint as we like," she said. She allows herself the freedom to change her work according to her moods. This fourth volume in the series offers three basic lessons for beginners with step by step instructions, then eleven projects classified into three main themes: still life, landscapes and characters. The sketches for the development of these works are included in the last pages of the book. THIS BOOK IS IN FRENCH.

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Zaradenie knihy Knihy po francúzsky ARTS ET BEAUX LIVRES Arts majeurs


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