Wipe-clean Pen Control / Najlacnejšie knihy
Wipe-clean Pen Control

Kód: 09211681

Wipe-clean Pen Control

Autor Hannah Wood, Kimberley Scott

Preschool children need to learn to hold and manipulate a pen effectively before they can start writing, and this wipe-clean book will provide them with plenty of practice. The special pen provided goes on smoothly and evenly; wh ... celý popis


Bežne: 10.12 €

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Anotácia knihy

Preschool children need to learn to hold and manipulate a pen effectively before they can start writing, and this wipe-clean book will provide them with plenty of practice.

The special pen provided goes on smoothly and evenly; when the child has finished - or if they make a mistake - simply wipe off and the ink leaves virtually no residue.

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