Hope and Help for Your Nerves: End Anxiety Now / Najlacnejšie knihy
Hope and Help for Your Nerves: End Anxiety Now

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Hope and Help for Your Nerves: End Anxiety Now

Autor Claire Weekes

The bestselling step-by-step guide that will show you how to break the cycle of fear and cure your feelings of panic and anxiety. My heart beats too fast. My hands tremble and sweat. I feel like there’s a weight on my chest. My s ... celý popis


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Viac informácií o knihe Hope and Help for Your Nerves: End Anxiety Now

Nákupom získate 38 bodov

Anotácia knihy

The bestselling step-by-step guide that will show you how to break the cycle of fear and cure your feelings of panic and anxiety.

My heart beats too fast. My hands tremble and sweat. I feel like there’s a weight on my chest. My stomach churns. I have terrible headaches. I can't sleep. Sometimes I can't even leave my house....

These common symptoms of anxiety are “minor” only to the people who don't suffer from them. But to the millions they affect, these problems make the difference between a happy, healthy life and one of crippling fear and frustration.

In Hope and Help for Your Nerves, Dr. Claire Weekes offers the results of years of experience treating real patients—including some who thought they'd never recover. With her simple, step-by-step guidance, you will learn how to understand and analyze your own symptoms of anxiety and find the power to conquer your fears for good.

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