Through Time Into Healing / Najlacnejšie knihy
Through Time Into Healing

Kód: 04142637

Through Time Into Healing

Autor Brian Weiss

This book sheds new light on the extraordinary healing potential of past life therapy. It builds on the pioneering work Dr Weiss described in his first book, the worldwide bestseller Many Lives, Many Masters. Authoritative, access ... celý popis


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Viac informácií o knihe Through Time Into Healing

Nákupom získate 38 bodov

Anotácia knihy

This book sheds new light on the extraordinary healing potential of past life therapy. It builds on the pioneering work Dr Weiss described in his first book, the worldwide bestseller Many Lives, Many Masters. Authoritative, accessible and based on extensive clinical experience. Uses vivid past life case studies to show the many benefits of regression therapy - how it can overcome problems of obesity and substance abuse, create more loving relationships, uncover hidden talents, open the mind to mystical experiences and much more. Includes techniques to explore past lives and access higher wisdom. Compelling and thought provoking, Through Time Into Healing shows us how to help ourselves lead healthy, productive lives, secure in the knowledge that death is not the final word and that healing and wholeness are inside us.

Parametre knihy

Zaradenie knihy Knihy po anglicky Medicine Other branches of medicine Clinical psychology


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